
数学学院营养学理学学士学位, Science and Engineering prepares graduates for success in dietetic internships and graduate nutrition programs, 或者作为许多行业中致力于改进实践的专业人士, 对食物的理解和关系.


Why Nutrition?

As awareness and interest in wellness and the diet’s impact on overall health continues to increase, so does the demand for science-backed and holistic expertise that nutrition professionals provide. Organizations and individuals alike are looking to food and diet as their prescription for good health and a healthy workforce. 卫生保健系统将营养纳入康复和治疗方案. 保险公司提倡健康饮食,作为预防保健的一部分. And, education institutions at all levels utilize nutrition professionals to help inform their dining programs and food offerings. What’s more, 营养专业人员引领着食品科学的进步, 生产和服务——直接影响消费者. 几乎没有一个行业不受营养专家工作的影响.



The B.S. 《菠菜评级排行》是一个127到129小时的综合性课程. The 23-hour core provides a deep understanding of food and nourishment on the human body at every stage of life, 以及营养在社区和世界各地的许多应用. 营养学专业的学生还需要完成39个学时的辅修课程, 包括心理学, mathematics, 经济学与传播学, 除了科学. 通过选择三个轨道中的一个, students of UIW’s undergraduate Nutrition program can tailor their program to support their future goals in nutrition education, the food industry; to pursue a further training to become a dietetic professional or registered nutritionist dietician; or to continue their education in the health professions.

UIW is composed of individuals of diverse backgrounds engaged in thoughtful interchanges of ideas in the search for truth. This environment is conducive to developing eventual professional dietitians whose practice is ethical and based on evidence. Each member of the UIW community has inherent dignity and worth and possesses strengths. The UIW Nutrition faculty encourage students to develop these strengths as they progress through the program. Students connect learning across the curriculum integrating knowledge from a variety of disciplines to enhance understanding and solve problems. The ecological approach emphasizes interrelationships concerning food and nutrition at the cellular, individual, social, global levels.

Nutrition Tracks

食品和营养课程为学生从事营养教育工作做好准备, food industry, 餐饮服务管理, and wellness; It does not 培养学生成为注册营养师.


The Nutrition and Dietetic track is an accredited curriculum that provides the classroom training and content to prepare students for a career as a dietetic practitioner. Students who complete this degree and meet the Didactic Program in Nutrition and Dietetics standards will receive a Verification Statement making them eligible to take the examination to become a Dietetic Technician, Registered or to apply for a supervised practice program to become a Registered Nutritionist Dietitian. The Bachelor of Science Nutrition and Dietetics track is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND). For information on ACEND accreditation. Students must apply to be admitted to this track after completing prerequisite coursework.

  1. Admission to the UIW Nutrition Program is based on criteria as stated in the University 本科目录和大学研究生目录. 进入营养学和饮食学轨道不是自动的.
  2. 学生在完成所有营养和营养学的先决条件后申请. For fall semester admittance, students must submit their applications by the third Monday of May. 春季入学, students must submit their applications by the first Monday before the start of the spring semester. 录取通知将在下学期开始前发出. 请咨询您的指导老师,DPD主任或营养系主任. 您也可以在营养计划黑板®网站上找到更多信息.
  3. Students must show evidence of having successfully completed the following prerequisite undergraduate coursework (listed below) at the same or higher level. 他们的必修课程的最低GPA要求是2.8/4.00. (Acceptance of course credits in prerequisite undergraduate coursework is subject to the approval of the DPD director.)
  4. 两封学术推荐信(其中一封来自营养学教员).


  • ACCT 2301:会计非商业专业或更高
  • 普通生物学I和实验
  • BIOL 2321/2121:解剖学和生理学I和实验室
  • 生物学版2322/2122:解剖学和生理学II和实验室
  • BIOL 2474: Introduction to Microbiology and Laboratory or BIOL 3471 General Microbiology and Laboratory
  • BMGT 3340:管理理论与实践
  • 化学1301/1101:化学原理I和实验室
  • 化学1302/1102:化学原理II和实验室
  • engl1312:作文II
  • 数学1304:大学代数或更高
  • NUTR 1102:营养学入门
  • nutr2341:营养学入门或更高
  • NUTR 2231/2131:食品制备和实验室原理
  • PSYC 1301:心理学导论或SOCI 1311社会学导论


This track prepares you to meet the preparation requirements for graduate school and other health professional training. 这个选项允许进一步研究:

  • Medical and health professions, such as medicine, dentistry, physical therapy, and pharmacy
  • Nutrition science
  • 生物学和运动或运动科学

The Nutrition Science track prepares students for graduate degrees in nutrition and health professions including medicine, dentistry, physical therapy, 职业治疗, pharmacy, and optometry.

The Nutrition Science track may be used to fulfill prerequisite requirements for medicine, dentistry, physical therapy, etc.以及营养学的研究生课程. 如果一个学生正在考虑这条赛道为专业学校做准备, it is the responsibility of the student to research the necessary course prerequisites as early as possible to ensure that s/he meets the professional school's admission requirements. 请联系威斯康星大学相应的顾问以获得额外的帮助.

  1. Nutrition Science majors meet with their assigned advisor during the first semester and develop a degree plan.
  2. Nutrition Science majors should research requirements for professional school or graduate school. 在学生的大三和大四的学位计划, the student’s advisor will assist the student in refining personal and career goals in regard to placement in either graduate or professional school.




The Bureau of Labor Statistics expects the employment of dietitians to increase by 20 percent from 2010 to 2020, 比所有职业的平均增长率都要快. This is due to an increasing emphasis on disease prevention through improving dietary habits. Graduates of the 道成肉身的大学 Nutrition programs have been primarily placed in positions related to food and nutrition in San Antonio, Texas. The majority of program graduates either obtain placement in a dietetic internship or pursue graduate education after receiving their bachelor's degree.